This business is recognized by Scottsdale Top Docs by peer review as Scottsdale Top Docs Best Physical Therapist in Neurology & Oncology.
This is a Scottsdale Living Verified Business. This means, at time of applying, we verified that they had the licenses, insurance, bonds, etc. to do business, they had at least a 4.5 review rating and they had done business with members of the group that were happy with their business!
The Therapy Doctor is a convenient home-based concierge physical therapy wellness service, and massage therapy practice offering wellness-driven Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, with heavy focus on care for Elderly, Post-Hospitalizations, Severe Weakness & Falls, as well as Oncology and Neurology Diagnoses. Some of these include specific intensive programs for people who have dementia, Parkinson’s, and brain cancer. The Therapy Doctor is a wellness company and does not accept insurance, but is typically approved for Health Sharing and HSA/FSA.