Here is some information about Scottsdale Heritage Connection:
- The Scottsdale Heritage Connection is a collection of print and digital materials about the history of the Scottsdale area.
- The collection includes over 10,000 photographs, 300 audio and video interviews, books, directories, and more.
- The collection is housed at the Civic Center Library in Scottsdale, Arizona.
- The collection is open to the public for research.
- The Scottsdale Heritage Connection is a great resource for anyone interested in the history of Scottsdale.
Here are some of the things you can do at Scottsdale Heritage Connection:
- Do research on the history of Scottsdale.
- View photographs, audio and video interviews, books, directories, and more.
- Learn about the history of Scottsdale.
- Meet other people who are interested in the history of Scottsdale.
- Have fun!
The Scottsdale Heritage Connection is a great place to learn about the history of Scottsdale. The collection is vast and includes a variety of materials, so you are sure to find something that interests you. The staff is also knowledgeable and helpful, so they can assist you with your research.