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Dr. Adnan Saithna M.D., is a multi-award winning orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist. He is a professor of orthopedic surgery and has over 250 publications in leading sports medicine journals. He is internationally recognized for his expertise in minimally-invasive and arthroscopic surgery of the knee and shoulder, and locally in the Scottsdale community for outstanding patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes.
Dr. Saithna’s work (especially in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery) has won the highest awards from the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the Royal College of Surgeons, UK. He is also winner of the 2023 Outstanding Physician Award from the Maricopa County Medical Society, and the Scottsdale Top Docs Award for orthopedic surgery.
Dr Saithna is independently ranked as one of the top 25 global experts in ACL reconstruction. His work in this field has helped to improve the outcomes of ACL surgery, especially in reducing the rate of graft failure through the use of lateral extra-articular procedures
Dr Saithna has offices in Scottsdale and Central Phoenix. For an appointment please call 602.266.2272
Conditions treated include the following,
SHOULDER: rotator cuff tear, shoulder dislocation, shoulder pain, biceps tendonitis, biceps rupture, labral tear, SLAP tear, frozen shoulder, calcific tendonitis, impingement, bursitis, ACJ arthritis, ACJ dislocation, internal impingement, sports injuries, shoulder separation, arthritis
KNEE: ACL rupture, knee ligament injuries, meniscus tear, cartilage injuries, MCL injury, PCL tear, patellar tendonitis, patellar tendon rupture, patella (kneecap) dislocation, quadriceps tendon rupture, knee dislocation, knee pain, chondromalacia, jumpers knee, arthrofibrosis, bursitis, arthritis