Notre Dame Preparatory is a Diocesan Catholic High School, dedicated to the promotion of academic excellence and the pursuit of holiness through the shared values of Reverence, Respect, & Responsibility, out of love for Jesus Christ.
We, the NDP community, embrace families from all corners of the metropolitan Phoenix area representing the ethnic, racial, socio-economic and religious diversity of the region. We welcome all students seeking a quality education, and those who demonstrate our pillars of Reverence, Respect and Responsibility.
Voted as the “Best Private High School in Scottsdale” two years in row by the Scottsdale Progress, we are accredited by both the Western Catholic Educational Association and AdvanceED.
Being a Notre Dame Prep Saint requires dedication to studies, service to others and a heart open to God’s Word. We encourage you to accept the challenge to be a Saint. We are happy to provide additional information, and answer any questions you may have about our school.